To preface this, I absolutely hate discussing matters of other people's weight. This is just something that's been on my mind for years that I don't see many people talk about.

The following things I'm about to say are something I've felt for a long time but have always been afraid to discuss since it's a touchy subject. I'm not one to comment on people's bodies, but to be honest, hers was and still kinda is very triggering to me. She was already skinny to begin with, but then she lost more weight, and combining that with the edits and poses she does very much feels like ED body checking content. I feel that she is VERY clearly obsessed with her appearance and purposely poses in ways that accentuate her neck/collar bones and ribcage. I've also seen pictures of her back where you can see her scapula poking through her skin. To a regular person it might not be that obvious, but to fellow people who have experienced EDs I KNOW y'all have to see it too.

If she does struggle with an ED, I hold no ill will towards her for that, but I can't help but feel like she promotes it. In her now unlisted video she made titled "LOSING 35 LBS | STRUGGLING WITH MY WEIGHT" the comments are full of girls putting down their own appearance and wanting to look like her. She discusses unhealthy habits she previously had including an obsession with losing weight, but makes sure to say "But I didnt have an eating disorder or anything!" She was perfectly describing symptoms that I had myself, but I can't diagnose her of course.

She describes herself as 122lbs in the video. Almost verbatim she says, "The lower lower end of healthy, but not underweight. I think I have to be 118 or 119 to be underweight," but she's 5'8"! I'm 5'9" myself and I already know that's DANGEROUSLY close to being medically underweight, but for her to even mention that shes only 3lbs away from being considered malnourished is very telling to me. She also almost humble brags about how flat her stomach became, saying she doesn't even think there's half an inch of fat left. Hellooo, that's not normal! Along with that, I checked the stats and metadata of the video. Guess what some of the tags she put were? "how to lose weight, how to lose 30 lbs, how to lose 20lbs, how to lose belly fat, how to lose arm fat, how to lose face fat, weight loss motivation, HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT IN A WEEK, RAPID WEIGHT LOSS, HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT OVERNIGHT." At that point, you cannot tell me she didn't brand herself to people with EDs to get clicks. Those tags were a calculated decision. I'm honestly shocked and disgusted upon finding that out. If you aren't struggling, just watch the video for yourself and you'll pick up on a lot of ED related sentiments.

Please just share your thoughts because I feel like I'm going crazy.

Tldr: To me it feels like she's tiptoeing around the concept of having an ED without actually saying it so nobody can accuse her of having one without looking like a body shamer. This post is probably gonna sound like a huge reach, but if you know you know.

by BingingWithBadbitch

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