Liah Yoo (CEO of Krave Beauty) posted earlier today about her incredibly strange interaction with Rainn Wilson (Dwight from "The Office") at an event during NYC Climate Week, in which people were invited to receive free vegan hotdogs and fries from the "Vegan on the Fly" food truck in exchange for reading aloud a climate change fact from a menu selection. In her video, Liah says she was invited to the event by Yellow Dot productions, alongside several other Youtube content creators.

In the clip of the actual interaction (linked to this post), Liah introduces herself before beginning to read her climate fact, which seemingly annoys Rainn, who follows up by telling her he "just needs her order." He then asks several questions, cutting her off mid-speech each time, before ending the exchange by pulling the menu from Liah's hands before waving her off without food.

Liah then posted a follow-up video, in which she shows an interaction Rainn had with another content creator, where he engages politely and answers her questions. Fellow influencer Eva Weitzman (@deliciously_eva) also posted her interaction with Rainn, in which she films him and he engages with her politely before delivering her food.

All around an incredibly strange interaction. The food truck has doubled down in an instagram comment, and claims it was all a part of a bit and Liah was "recording him in his face," though neither of these things seemed to be an issue for any other influencers who have posted about their experience. Additionally, Liah confirms she was the only non-white creator invited by the Yellow Dot Productions group.

Liah's Original Video About Her Experience

by arsenic_greeen


  1. Rainn Wilson’s always been….off. A number of people in and out of the entertainment industry have remarked on his mercurial behaviors in the past. He’s also transphobic and exhibits some Christofascist behaviors……

  2. I just watched the video in the post you made in the NYC Influencer snark sub and wtf???? That made me so uncomfortable to watch, I can’t imagine how she felt. He interrupted her multiple times and then asked her where she was from and what she does as she was trying to get back on track to order each time. Why would someone saying “hi I’m ____” and then immediately ordering set him off like that? It’s like he wanted to have all the power and humiliate her.

  3. TBH this whole thing kind of reads like a mad lib. These are two people I would never expect to interact. 

    That said, it sucks that Leah had a bad experience. I’m not a fan of her but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be treated disrespectfully when she did nothing wrong. I wonder if anyone is even calling Rainn out or excusing him because he plays their favorite character??

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