That girl is …..

Poison!! I can't stop staring at these 😍 It looks like my nails are adorned with garnets.

I don't wear alot of red (clashes with my hair) but when I do I gravitate towards punchy blue reds. This is more of a coppery red in a burgundy suspension but daggum it looks good!

Shout-out to all the laqueristas who recommended Glisten & Glow glitter grabber; really upped my magnetic game.

by ThreeLeggedMutt


  1. 1 x Sally Hansen Miracle Growth

    2 x scant coats of ILNP Poison, making sure each nail got even coverage and capped, unmagnetized

    1 x very generous coat ILNP Poison, magnetized 90 secs

    1 x very generous coat Glisten & Glow Glitter Grabber, applied inside the magnet, magnetized as long as I could wait, between 3-7 minutes

    1 x Orly Sec N Dry

    30 lb horseshoe magnet upside-down with my finger placed inside the “U”

    I did one nail at a time, and switched hands with each nail. Those dang horseshoe magnets are strong, and I feel like they kinda corrupt the nail next to it if I don’t give enough time to dry.

    The video/pics were taken the day after application. Two days later and they’re still looking great!

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