What I wore in September

by bippidip


  1. This is a big one, I wore heaps of glow in the dark and solar polishes this month.

    In picture order
    1. Circuit breaker by Holo Taco
    2. Fairies of the air by Chamaeleon nails
    3. Same as above, in the sun
    4. Oleander by Chamaeleon nails
    5. Vegan firefly extract by Snail Works, topped with Lunar unicorn skin by Holo Taco
    6. Same as above, in the dark
    7. Vegan lanternfish extract topped with Vegan glow worm extract by Snail Works
    8. Same as above, in the dark
    9. Vegan glow worm extract by Snail Works
    10. Same as above, in the dark
    11. Twilight skies by Chamaeleon Nails
    12. Same as above, in the sun
    13. Metal coat by Snail Works
    14. Hooked on a feline by DRK Nails (PPU)

    With each polish I wore Peely base and Glossy Taco by Holo Taco (except for metal coat which is worn topcoatless).

    Everything was purchased out of pocket and I don’t have any affiliations with brands. If you’re feeling too influenced I’m happy to give some deinfluencing thoughts on the polishes.

    I post more pictures and videos of each polish on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/DAlIMYuTyyN/?igsh=NXVtMHhwdDl1N2Ji).

    Thanks for reading/looking 🙂

  2. These are so pretty! You got through so many polishes! I’m thrilled to get through any number over like 5 😂

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