So before hurricane Helene hit Florida, Jaclyn got on an IG story to compare earthquakes and hurricanes. She claimed earthquakes are worse than hurricanes and was bragging how she got out 6 months prior. The whole story was tone deaf and bragging. How has this gone under the radar? The woman is full of controversies and this is the worst one yet, but no one is calling her out on it? Is it because she is that irrelevant that no one cares? I don't get it.

by Icy-Adhesiveness2556


  1. crosseyedcricketart on

    Maybe she could tell that to the 40 people who passed away in Helene. She’s rich anyway. They always get out. It’s the people who aren’t who actually deal with the consequences of hurricanes.

  2. Jackfruit-Reporter90 on

    Because a famously shitty person did/said another shitty thing. I think it would be news if she did something good for once.

  3. malevolentmalleolus on

    WTF is she talking about? As a Californian, I literally won’t get off the couch for an earthquake under a 6 OR if something falls off a shelf. My cousin lost his whole mama’s side of the family from Katrina. I can’t understand why she would say this out loud.

  4. Just bc your area was lucky enough to not get hit hard doesn’t mean hurricanes aren’t that serious lmao, I’ve lived my whole life in hurricane land and some are worse than others.

  5. dogsrbetterthnppl on

    God she sucks. Her behavior is so unsurprising though. She has always lacked empathy and common sense. If you look at the comments on her most recent post, you’ll see she’s getting dragged for this, as she should!!

  6. I went through Katrina (Florida) and Maria (PR),it was so bad I had night terrors afterwards and it flooded our house even though we lived on a mountain.
    Fuck hurricanes.

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