Does anyone else have a hard time getting rid of their panned collection?

by ihavealotofpuppies


  1. TrueCrimeGirl01 on

    Only this year I have collected everything and posted monthly empties. At the end of the year I will post my yearly empties and then bring to terracycle.

    If you make a post then you can look back on it if you need or want to.

    Is there any other reason to keep it?

  2. I used to be like this but I think it’s important to consider what u are going to do w these things. if they’re just gonna take up this box and nothing else u should recycle/throw them out. it’s not a good way of thinking for anyone to keep a collection of trash bc u feel weird throwing them out. if u really can’t I would recommend trying to repurpose them in some way. like cleaning out the spray bottles really good and filling them w water or cleaning liquid. some of the jars could also be useful for travel cosmetic storage or for small items

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