It was 30 mins after the store opened and a couple items sold out & got bumped from my cart while I was trying to narrow things down 🫠 so I panicked and just checked out 🙃 I also have a thermal coming from PPU on Monday too & am fully aware they might all expire after a year 🤡

by ninat92


  1. I’ll just have to exclusively use thermals for the next year to use them up 😂🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️💅

  2. What site is this? Asking for a friend 😆 edit, nevermind. I noticed the name on the bottle in the thumbnail image (Fancy Gloss for those who didn’t zoom in like me)

    Also, I have thermals that are 4+ years old and just as reactive as they were on day 1. I actually don’t have any that have died yet. Thermals are prob my biggest weakness when it comes to nail polish but as long as I like all of the temperature states, I don’t mind if they aren’t reactive forever.

  3. Thermals are so fun, though. I am wearing a thermal for the first time right now (even though I have 4) and I love them so much I’m thinking of buying more. I keep them stored in a cool, dark, and dry space so I’m hoping that helps with longevity.

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