I work in a stuffy corporate job and recently switched to hybrid (previously remote) and wasnt sure how bold i could go with my nails. No one on my floor wears nail polish at all ☠️☠️. Ive been wearing very neutral nails at the office just in case. How do you decide what constitutes business appropriate nails? Current mani for tax (at home today).

by sh0wmethem0net


  1. Left hand:
    mooncat hard core base coat, thumb: death valley nails “ redemption arc: rotten bananas becoming bread”, all other fingers: lynbdesigns “am i just paranoid of emma stone”, cuticula qdtc

    right hand:
    holo taco peely base, starrily “sugar plum”, glisten &glow glitter grabber, kbshimmer clearly on top

  2. Pink_purpleapple on

    Same here, no one in my office wears nail polish, except me. I paint them whatever i like and stamp them however i like. My rule is no stamping/painting curse words or having messy nails, chipped polish is a no-go for me and is redone in the evening.

  3. Without knowing your exact situation, it’s hard to say. If there’s nothing in an official dress code type of thing, you could try asking your direct report if they have feelings on the matter. If those aren’t feasible, maybe start super neutral and gradually add more interesting polish over time. Like start adding a pretty shimmer, next a bit of holo, maybe some holo flakies, then subtle glitter. Maybe you’ll find the line for yourself lol

  4. I’m the only one I notice with nail polish on my team, but my work is fairly relaxed. We can wear jeans all the time and I also have purple chunks in my hair. I do whatever on my nails, usually 2 different colors or bright colors and sparkles. My nails are a bright pinky red right now and this is fairly tame for me.

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