I would try to post this some times today, but I am behind by marked as spam. Once someone me people comments I will post a link to screenshots. Hers what happened. I made 4 palette purchase and the brand had long ship times (as is the standard for them). After excuses the order was sent in two shipments. I saw they were marked as delivered but I didn’t have them. I asked the brand who told me it was up to UPS to find them. I told her about this on 9/9 and she knew my order details. On 9/13 I opened a case because UPS told me they couldn’t help because the packages were shipped and delivered. The brand owner sent me angry email asking why I opened a case and then repeatedly told me to close it or she couldn’t help me. She was so emotionally abusive (in my opinion). I finally got some help from a friend who posted it on social media and the brand owner finally refunded. Buyer beware and once someone comments I’ll post more screenshots, and my original post.

by True-Radish527

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