Product: Colourpop x Animal Crossing “What a Hoot” eyeshadow palette

Yesterday morning while struggling to get the end out of the “Celestial” pan, I decided to call it a day on this palette. This product unfortunately started me on an overconsumption of colourpop eyeshadow palettes. I got this one in 2020 when it was first released, and it snowballed from there. I love Star Wars and ended up purchasing all of those eyeshadow palettes over the next few years, among others. I was really glad to find this subreddit that’s really motivated me to resist buying anything new and work off what I have.

As you can see, I only used two colors on this one. The top left has large glitter pieces that fall into my eyes, even if I apply it up by my eyebrows, so it’s not safe for me to use especially as I wear contacts. The bottom right is just a plain dark brown, so I might hold onto this for a bit to see if I ever find a use for it- but I’m retiring it from daily use and moving onto another past impulse purchase!

by sara520


  1. Here’s a list of all the colourpop collabs I have to work off 😂

    – Grogu
    – The mandalorian
    – C3P0 (this one is my favorite and least regretted purchase)
    – New York Knicks (also no regrets, great for the Knicks and the Mets)
    – Darth Vader (most regretted- black and reds mostly- I do NOT wear these colors!)
    – Star Wars general big palette
    – Powerpuff girls

  2. GlitteringHeart2929 on

    Great work!! I really love the Darth Vader palette but only since I swapped out the super shiny red shimmer shade for something a bit more subdued. It felt out of place for me. I likely won’t be panning an eyeshadow any time this century, though… I have problems and can’t let go of my hoard yet.

  3. Congrats!! I bought a colourpop eyeshadow palette in 2020 as well and I’m nowhere close to hitting pan on any of them 🙁

    For the dark brown have you tried using it as eyeliner? Perfect for a softer winged look or smokey liner

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