Golloria announces hiatus due to colorist, anti-black, and racist comments on the internet

by galaxystars1


  1. I follow her on IG and a lot of the comments have been awful. And of course Meta does nothing when you report comments. 

  2. People on this very sub call her entitled, cocky and all sorts of charged words which I find really annoying and honestly offensive. She called out poor treatment on a brand trip and y’all called her demanding and out of touch for wanting equal accommodations to other influencers on the same trip. I don’t blame her.

  3. Poor woman. I adore her for doing this and you think people would be better in this day and age but apparently not. She can only handle so much. I hope she takes care of herself

  4. AndISoundLikeThis on

    She should have just said she’s never going back on the internet again until these social media platforms do something to prevent this type of shit from happening. Racist comments happen on the internet because they are ALLOWED to happen on the internet because FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc. are all fine with it.

  5. CastleofGaySkull on

    That’s so sad! I really like her. It’s sucks how much Social Media de-values dark skinned black women (note: I’m white but I don’t want to support non-inclusive brands, so her posts are very helpful). It’s fucked, we have all the tools we need in this world to prevent or at least significantly decrease racist harassment on Social Media but CEOs just don’t give a shit. It’s less profitable to be a good person. I hope she comes back soon.

  6. Golloria is just reviewing a lot of products in order to inform others and it gets people on instagram sooo pissed when she doesn’t like something.

  7. This is unfortunately a tale as old as time. Nyma, Jackie, and many more creators over the last decade have basically taken on the role of publicly holding makeup companies to the fire when they fail to be inclusive on the public forum, and then they themselves receive backlash and racist targeting just for doing their job. Of course the platforms that they use extract their content for money and leave them with no support or protections either. God only knows how much harassment she has received behind the scenes too, and even from companies themselves. Hoping she can find some peace and take as long as she needs.

  8. Ok-Aardvark-6742 on

    And some of that exact same bullshit is happening on posts in this sub too. Literally just responded to someone complaining about influencers bashing the YSL blush when all they’re doing is showing that it doesn’t match the swatches YSL is showing.

  9. I’m gutted. I adore her reviews and love her perspective. she’s one of the only creators whose opinion I trust.

  10. I’ve seen some of her content on TikTok, she is one of the few creators that I trust. I don’t blame her one bit for stepping away. Take care of yourself first girl.

  11. Soooo heartbreaking she even has to do this in the first place but I’m glad she’s prioritizing her mental health.

  12. HannibalsMongoose on

    This is why you will never catch me signal-boosting the posts on this sub discussing how Jackie Aina is “too quick to catch an attitude” or how she has a “hair trigger on her block button” on all SM platforms, because even as a dark-skinned black woman who spends a lot of time online experiencing the nonsense myself, I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of crazy shit people have felt comfortable saying in the comments or messaging her directly over the years. I’m sure Golloria has experienced some really disturbing interactions

    I hope Golloria has good support IRL and that she is able to shake off the residue of nastiness by taking a break. The work she has done shining a light on these companies is important, and whether she comes back to do it again or not, she has done something valuable and helped so many people.

  13. britawaterbottlefan on

    I remember making a comment about this earlier but all she does is tell the truth and people turn to anti-black racism and colourism in her comments. It’s so disgusting and dangerous. I remember on her review of a rare beauty bronzed people started telling her to use the yourforia foundation and black paint, those comments got thousands of likes. I hope she’s doing okay.

  14. benitomusswolini on

    That is beyond disgusting and messed up. Been a fan of hers for a bit and she is such a breath of fresh air. These brands deserve to be called out! She is doing the lord’s work. People are so shameless and awful. I hope her break is healing and she is able to come back refreshed. Fuck those assholes for trying to destroy what should’ve been a safe space.

  15. 90% of her Instagram comments are hate comments which is why I am not surprised. Existing as a poc makeup creator is an absolute nightmare

  16. I really wish her the best. It’s sad that this has happened not only to Golloria, but countless other WOC in the online beauty space. The discrimination is so unfair and insidious and it needs to change!!

  17. Responsible_Taste_35 on

    I’m so sorry for her. I can’t begin to imagine how all this feels to endure. But her taking a break makes me admire her even more. It’s truly a testament to who she is as a person and good for her for taking care of herself and living on her own terms. Something we can strive to do more of ❤️ I hope the cycle of hate will stop, but I have a feeling social media platforms love it because it contributes to engagement, so I’ll be here waiting for them to censor BS.

  18. Responsible_Taste_35 on

    Also something I will never understand is why people are willing to hurt other people on behalf of a fucking company that isn’t aware of their existence and wouldn’t care if they got hit by a meteor. People are so strange.

  19. I don’t really know her, but from what I’ve seen on here it’s devastating how much hate she and other darker skinned creators get just for having an opinion on what works and what doesn’t work for their skin tone and asking brands to do better. Why does someone asking for their needs to be met bother people? Your needs will continue to be met whether theirs are or not. The least you can do is allow other people to advocate for themselves. You literally don’t even have to help.

  20. The last video I saw of hers was full of racist comments in other languages (Hebrew, Spanish, I think Thai?), I think someone bought a bot farm to go after her. I hope her break is helpful and cuts down on the abuse.

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