I’ve swatched over 600 bottles lately, and I have so many more to go, but I love being able to see everything without having to pull bottles out of the drawers!

by selkieisbadatgaming


  1. See, here is what I want: I want the underside to have a concave so that we can put the polish THERE. That way it won’t wear off. Then, decent adhesive all around the THICK edges so that they stick well. The concave should also push inwards past the edges into the side of the heart a bit so the colour shows through the entire heart, not just the very middle… I mean, NP brushes are flexible enough that we can get past that small ridge made by the edge so it shouldn’t be a problem, right? Having on the inside also means no need for a topcoat. *impatiently waiting for a manufacturer to see this comment*

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