Almond, tapered square or stiletto?

by freya_sinclair


  1. No_Attitude_6280 on

    Coffin, your hand look more elegant. Hm maybe it’s also the color, bc personally I think the red choice for the stiletto are to much in your face. The firm and length in its self are beautiful and when adding the color its to much for me.

  2. One_Bookkeeper_2439 on

    A vote 1mm shorter than the shortest of the lot. That last image makes the hand look really funny. But then again I don’t understand really long nails other than for art, not every day wear.

  3. Almond or tapered square. You have naturally long fingers and stiletto makes them look kinda extreme.

  4. It’s hard to say what suits you best when I don’t know you or can see your face or style but all are lovely

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