Why does this happen? The bubbles in the nail polish drive me crazy. I thought it was because of old nail polish, but this is a brand new nail polish

by haleydewitt_


  1. Could be any of a few things:

    – Environment: high humidity or a fan blowing on your nails.

    – Thick coats and not enough wait time between layers. The outer layer dries faster because it’s exposed to air; the solvents trapped in wet polish below leave bubbles as they escape. If it looks like the bubbles erupted from below, try thinner coats.

    – Top coat is too thick. If it’s getting gloopy or stringy, it can trap air as you apply it. If the bubbles seem to sit on top of the color polish, this would be my guess. Pick up some polish thinner, add several drops, shake, let it sit 15 minutes or so.

  2. Some polish formulas are thicker than others too. You didn’t list products so can’t help with specific brand but I’ve definitely added thinner to new polish before.

    Also, just because it’s new to you doesn’t mean it couldn’t have sat in a warehouse or on a shelf for some time.

  3. I solved my bubble problem by doing pre-care and base coat a day before my mani. Base coat dries at a different speed from other polish a lot of the time so I let mine cure completely.

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