Looking for advice on how to fix the sidewalls of my nails. Basically, the side of my nails near the nail bed (?) almost look like extra skin or cuticle, but it’s part of my nail. Am I over-filing? Any tips on how I should be filing my nails or how I can fix this would be greatly appreciated – I’ve been working on growing them out after years of nail biting, so I’m trying to avoid breaks (which tend to occur right where the white part begins). I’ve also noticed that the white part of my nail tends to vary in opacity, so it makes it look like the underneath is dirty (example can be seen in the second photo) – any advice for that would be great too! Thanks!

by marieazzarello


  1. ResearcherComplete57 on

    To my understanding this extra nail bit is the beginning of hang nails. I got them all the time, and I noticed not long after getting these that they’d become hang nails. I don’t think there’s much you can do about it since it’s partially genetic, but I’ve found using nail oil regularly helps lessen its appearance (I always seem to get hang nails when I’m being lazy with cuticle care lol). Also about the opacity of your nails, it just appears translucent bc it’s more hydrated than the other section of your nail. When/if you use cuticle oil it prolly tends to pool in that area of your nail. Nothing to worry about, it’s just extra healthy lol. Hope this helps:)

  2. Don’t cut them!!! They are your lateral nail folds I also have them. It can cause infection, they protect your nail plate. They also help guide your free edge when growing

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