Psilocybin shimmer!

by hacelepues


  1. My turn to share 😜

    This polish is insane! I did have a weird experience while applying though where the polish seemed to barely react to my magnets. It was really hit or miss, where one or two nails seemed to respond to the magnets as expected while others did nothing. It worried me at first! But when I applied the top coat and then used the magnet it’s like the polish suddenly activated and responded super well!

    After that experience with my right hand, I simply applied the polish without magnetizing anything but the top coat on my left, and the results were just as good as the right.

    The colors are amazing. I honestly keep taking pictures and videos but they don’t come close to what I see in person. This video is the best example I’ve managed to get. I spend all day looking at these babies! Mani in the video is going on day 3.

    Base: 1 x Orly Bonder

    3x Clionadh Psilocybin

    Top: 1x Seche Vite, magnetized with a ring magnet

  2. Glittering_Hand_ on

    I have a feeling this is gonna be one of those polishes that we will all still be talking about a couple decades from now.

  3. Yesss! My bottle arrives at the end of the month and I am SO EXCITED!! Thank you for sharing, your nails are beautiful!!

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