I haven’t really followed them in just about a decade, but when I saw this and it just kind of looked suspicious…? Are there any thoughts?

by Ganjaghuleh


  1. This was probably close to two years ago so I am not sure how relevant, but was waiting in line at Target’s guest services and overheard a customer being told that they had reached their limit for returns.

  2. Being a red card member doesn’t really matter when they are losing money from every purchase you make with them , because coincidentally several things end up being “damaged” each and every time . A common ploy to get free shit, I.E a refund and keeping the “damaged” items they don’t ask you to return . I don’t blame them a bit

  3. yummylumpylumpia on

    Lots of stores have return policies like this where they have a cap for how much you can return. I know someone who literally can’t make returns at sephora anymore because they did it sooo often

  4. This happened to me not with Target, but with UberEats. I was constantly getting incomplete orders so obviously I requested my money back for things I didn’t receive. A couple of times I got the wrong order entirely. That happened the last time, I requested a refund, and was told I couldn’t get it because I had too many refund requests.

    I canceled my membership and then like a week later I got a refund lmao.

  5. As a current Target employee, she definitely reached her return limit for the year. Also, they do keep track if you return items without your card/account.

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