Good morning/afternoon/evening.

I've been seeing a lot of ads and TikTokers recommending this product recently and decided to buy their matte foundation and lipgloss. The brand is selling for a cheap price. A few days later I was told by my friend that this product isn't fda approved and she saw pictures of people having severe reactions (not sure when she saw it, I only know she saw those reviews on Shopee).

I tried to do my own research and so far I don't see anyone complaining about this brand, not even the reviews my friend mentioned. It's selling in our local Health and Beauty stores too. I just really don't wanna ruin my skin so I'm scared of using the ones I bought now cries.

I'd appreciate to anyone who can give me their thoughts on this brand. Thanks!

by nek0channnnn

1 Comment

  1. Potter_Princess on

    Literally no cosmetic is FDA approved. Anyone can have a reaction to anything. I don’t think that’s a reason to avoid all makeup/skin care. If you happen to have a reaction to something stop using it.

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