For me right now it is Mooncat’s “Sand Viper”. I initially bought it thinking it would be a pretty nude with gold shimmer and was disappointed at how pink it pulled on me. I was thinking of giving it away. However, I’ve recently fallen in love with it as a pretty, Fall stepped-up neutral. Anything in your collections that almost didn’t last but ended up being something you love?

Product List
• Base – Sally Hansen Maximum Growth
• Mooncat – Sand Viper (three coats)
• Top Coat – Essie Gel Setter

by TheyMovedTheMoon


  1. You’re more forgiving than I am! If I don’t like something on first wear, it goes in the box to give to family or friends.

  2. Various_Platypus9222 on

    There are quite a few polishes that I was meh about at first and eventually learned to love. A few that come to mind:

    * OPI Tickle My France-y (and Mooncat A Doll’s House, which is identical). At first I thought it was too brown and drab. Now, it’s one of my favorites of all time.

    * Cirque Rose Canyon – At first I thought it was too brown but later learned to embrace its subtlety.

    * ILNP Dreaming in Violet. I was disappointed because I was expecting a spring color. Turns out that I love it in cooler months.

    * Essie Ballet Slippers — I *hated* it at first because it is so patchy and challenging to apply. As my polishing skills improved, I made my peace with it.

    I am still on the fence about Sand Viper.

    I usually give polish (at least) two tries, usually in different seasons, before it goes to the destash pile.

  3. The one I’m wearing now (ilnp flicker) I’m hoping this happens, cuz right now it’s just not vibing. I love that pink on you tho!

  4. Narrow-Wolverine-373 on

    Not only do I have sandviper and feel the same way about it (just not sure), I did it again with a near dupe and I’m wearing a similar color (Lurid) that I thought would be more pink. I do like it… but I just think I prefer more vibrant, funky, or interesting colors. I feel undecided, but a little bit underwhelmed atm. Yours does look pretty.

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