Mykies back! ….for an ad

by amorningfrost


  1. Last time she posted was May 27. She’s very active on insta stories, but she also posted this on tiktok and everyone’s freaking out that she’s “back” and she’s liking all the comments. But like girl it’s an ad. Content creators are human and if they don’t feel like posting then that’s their prerogative. But it feels like she leads her audience on a lot with a “come back” and then to post this when it’s an ad for FX is just… it might finally be my time to unfollow her. I miss the Mykie that would get Krispy Kreme in Fx makeup

  2. thrownaway_hallaway on

    Can’t look at her the same after the Swoop video. Everything spankie said about her mean girl attitude and white victimhood thing totally checks out and makes me see her differently, and her personality was always a large part of her appeal.

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