Is this a nail? If so, what kind is it?

My dog found it in my bedroom this morning. As you can tell by pic #3, I don't wear nails of any kind…

by vfp_pr


  1. Defiant-Bandicoot- on

    It looks dirty, if your friend wears them for cosplay I suppose there’s a chance it got stuck to a sweater or something and came off. I have kids and I’ve had random stuff stuck to my clothes because of them lol

  2. Physical-Tank-1494 on

    Did yr best friend or anyone else happen to have on nails that weekend or recently? Did you see where your dog found it to see where it was laying?
    I would keep it, keep quiet about it and do some observing for a while.

  3. MyPolishTherapy on

    Those sticky tabs are REALLY sticky so … if you’re suspicious I’d do some more digging but just keep that fact in mind, I have found one of these stuck to my purse before 🤮

  4. Helpful-Act2026 on

    Absolutely a press on nail. The back looks so sticky. There is a definitely a possibility your dog tracked it in or a guest lost it in your home and it got moved around.

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