So I’ve been trying to start painting my nails recently (I’m a guy). every time I paint them, when I go to put on another coat of polish, it ends up messing up the previous coat. I also have an issue with bumping my nails into objects or pressing things into them and deforming them or scraping the paint off even after a top coat has dried. It’s like the polish underneath the top coat or which ever I put on last is still liquid. My questions for advice is, how do I stop the second or third layer from messing up the previous layers, And, how can I get my top coat from re-liquidizing the previous paint layer, and how can I speed up the process of drying/curing of the polish so I’m less likely to mess them up immediately. The issues I’m having, I have also faced with OPI, again a red color and regular top coat. Any advice is welcome, thanks.

by King_Caleb97

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