I placed an order for mooncat before I new about all the controversy and it arrived today. I took a stab at a skittle, without reeeally knowing what that is. And honestly? I'm in love. 😍💅

I don't know if deets are required but just in case:
I'm wearing Millenia on my thumb and ring finger x3 coats
Fake Halo on my index x2 coats
Am I Everything You Fear middle finger x2 coats
Moonrise on my pinky x3 coats
I also used the Hardcore base coat and Speeddemon topcoat on every finger.

I'm definitely a beginner, so any helpful hints or tips are absolutely welcome!

by Lainers99507

1 Comment

  1. Product list:
    Hardcore Basecoat,
    Fake Halo,
    Am I Everything You Fear,
    Speeddemon Topcoat,
    All Mooncat!

    ETA: sorry about the wonky formatting. I’m on mobile (classic, I know).

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