I am very new to nail art. These are the only sets I have done (with the exception of two that I don’t have good pictures of, my very first two) and I am really happy with how I am improving even though I am very green. When I am new to a hobby, I always get very cheap supplies to see if I like the hobby, how I like to work, and what I value in a product. So I have started out with these brushes. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09787V4M9?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title

But I am getting to the point where I am starting to feel frustrated with the limitations of them, particularly I have (and currently only want to have) short nails. My canvas is tiny and I am struggling with getting as tiny of details as I want. I currently only work with lacquer and while I may eventually transition to gels and acrylics, right now I would love suggestions on brushes that work best for lacquer, if that makes a difference in what brushes I choose.

I posted the pictures cause I thought it would be cool for other noobs to see my progress and for experts to laugh and remember their first sets ☺️. Also I was hoping people might have a better idea on suggestions of brushes if they could see what I am struggling with and what I am trying to achieve.

Also, recommendations on other products are all welcome here! Tips on what I could improve on are welcome too!

by darriage

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