Do you think there’s any chance I received the wrong color? Their website explains that it’s hard to capture the color on camera and they did their best. But other posts on this subreddit look closer to the product photos than what I can recreate. Mine looks darker to the eye and on camera no matter the lighting. It’s much more dark blue than neon.

by 0carina


  1. kittycatsfoilhats on

    Yours looks like OPI Catch Me In Your Net and also looks like Zoya Charla. It sadly doesn’t look like the photos on the left. Still a pretty color!

  2. Icy_Persimmon3265 on

    They are small operation, mother and daughter I believe. And I think they work in pretty small batches. So I think they need a little grace, if you will. Have you tried reaching out to them?

    I have purple haze and glowworm from them. Here is a photo I took a while back of me wearing purple haze. Yours definitely appears to have pigments that are larger in size than what I have in my two bottles of their glow line. It’s possible, that the manufacturer they were using for their original pigments changed and they didn’t update their swatch photos, which obviously isn’t great, but maybe start with reaching out to them to see if they can send you a replacement bottle.

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