I know that most of the Lurid fans are still waiting on their An Unshakable Sense of Foreboding advent to arrive, but mine arrived this weekend (the benefits of living close to Lurid HQ) and you better believe I tore into that package like the ravenously feral nail polish obsessive that I am! So to those who are not averse to spoilers, allow me to present the goods for your viewing pleasure (all shown in 1, 2, and 3 coats and then topped with Seche Vite):

Day 1 – An Inexplicable Impulse
Day 2 – Forbidden Path
Day 3 – Darkened Trail
Day 4 – Unsettling Susurrations
Day 5 – Distant Footsteps
Day 6 – Prickling Fear
Day 7 – An Unseen Presence (shown magnetized and unmagnetized)
Day 8 – Inescapable Doom
Day 9 – Enveloping Darkness
Day 10 – Unearthly Silence
GWP – Whispered lore

Additionally, I'll be posting videos of each of the polishes in bottles over on my Insta (I'd share them here but Reddit won't let me put photos and video in the same post 🤦‍♀️) so you can see the polishes in motion and appreciate the shiftiness of these shades. The first four are on my post from today, and the rest I'll be sharing later this week: https://www.instagram.com/lacqueredwallflower/

[all polishes purchased by me]

by MoshpitWallflower

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