Monarch Muncha Muncha & GPL Excellent Reading Comprehension Skills, Something You Really Need to Hear, and Filled with Beauty and Rage. I’ll go further in detail in the comments!

by zeanana


  1. Left hand: All Monarch Muncha Muncha from August ’24 PPU

    Right Hand: Pinky – GPL Filled With Beauty and Rage, Ring – GPL Something You Really Need to Hear, Middle -GPL Excellent Reading Comprehension Skills, Index -Monarch Muncha Muncha, Thumb – GPL Something You Really Need to Hear

    Topped with Mooncat Speed Demon TC

    I got all of these polishes on the same day and decided to do a skittle! Really enjoyed wearing this combination and loved all of these shades, but Something You Really Need to Hear was my surprise favorite! It’s such a brightening yellow. I am definitely not one for yellows (I only own one mustard yellow), but every swatch I’ve seen of this looked so joyful and it seemed to work on a variety of skintones, so I just went for it!

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