More recent favourites ft. one borked middle nail

by Cyanide2601

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  1. Base coat in all – 1 layer Mooncat Getting Even Primer
    Top coat in all – 1 layer Cuticula Limitless Quick Dry Topcoat (The GOAT)

    First 2 are Alchemy Lacquer – Oddities. A PPU rewind polish that was well worth the purchase, love the pink shimmer in the murky green

    Second 2 are Prism Polish UK – He Can Keep His Tongue. Super beautiful deep blue/purple plus love the character it’s named after

    Third 2 are Phoenix – Dispair. I found this one hard to capture on camera but’s a grungy greeny coppery shifty prugly

    Fourth 2 are Mooncat – Forces of Evil. This might be the most perfect jelly flakie to exist, it’s seriously stunning and I actually had to force myself to change my mani which never happens to me. The purple flakies GLOW.

    Fifth 2 are Garden Path Lacquers – Scratch About. GPL are my number one brand atm, just look at it!!!

    Last 2 are Danglefoot – Cheets Mate. This, along with the other two reflective glitters from the recent collection are stunning and shifty, 10/10.

    All in 3 coats because I like doing 3 coats 🙂

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