Curling guy eyelashes

by jbeuglnjn

1 Comment

  1. 27M Asian here. I think my eyelashes are kinda long, but they’ve always grown downwards and obstruct my vision. I was recently suggested to try curling my eyelashes with a lash curler or doing a lash lift. I got a cheap eyelash curler and wanted to get some feedback and opinions on whether the results are good and what could be better.

    I feel the eyelashes now look a little too dramatic and feminine for a guy. Also, the curl does not last very long, and my eyelashes go back to normal after like an hour. I don’t intend to make my eyelashes super curly and prominent being a guy, just want them to grow upwards and away from my field of view. Some have also suggested I try trimming them so they’re not obstructing my vision.

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