I didn’t have a 30 lb horseshoe magnet, but I did have a 1200 lb magnet

by littlest_ginger


  1. littlest_ginger on

    Excuse the hastily thrown together slideshow. Also, I didn’t document what I did for the pinky nail. It was the same method I tried for the thumb, but for some reason it totally failed. I don’t know why! 

    Polish is Bee’s Knees Heir, which I am totally in love with. I just saw another poster share their photos, and their application looks incredible! I need to just get a nail magnet but … So lazy. 

    I posted this on Instagram too, here’s what I wrote re magnet fishing:

    I haven’t splurged for a magnetic wand yet (Just kidding, I think they are literally a dollar, I’m just lazy) but I did have this enormous magnet that I use for magnet fishing (basically you throw a super strong magnet in the water and pull up “treasure”) (and by treasure I mean almost exclusively rusty old bikes and shopping carts). 

    The horseshoe magnets I’ve seen people use that tend to give that nice velvety effect are rated as 30 lb magnets. This is a 1200 lb magnet. Let’s see what happens!

  2. CuriositysDeadCat on

    This is the cross between art and science that I didn’t know I needed. Love this experiment.

  3. LOL this is insane, I love it. I bet the velvet effect when it did work is beautiful, but I half-expected the particles to come right off and stick to your magnet.

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