Current Skincare routine I’ve curated throughout the years!!

Here is my entire skincare routine that I’ve curated over the past 3 years. As a college student it took me quite a while before I could have a fixed routine that I can just refill/swap out and I’m so thankful that I was able to reach this point because it really helped heal my skin from all the acne i had throughout my highschool years. Let me break it down:

[Detailed reviews in pic]
Skin type: dry with flakiness around nose and mouth; prone to hormonal acne (i have pcos) and fungal acne (i have sensitivity to certain ingredients but mostly i get it with dust (?) or idk if it’s actually a trigger of my skin asthma). I live in the ph so the weather is humid but my skin dries up so fast when I’m exposed to aircon

Morning routine:
Oxecure facial wash – i only wash quickly around my face to keep it clean from whatever dirt got on it while i was sleeping, being careful i don’t strip my face too dry in the morning.

Cezanne high moist – it’s in a laneige bottle cuz it’s easier to spray 😅 (i used to love the laneige and purchased it twice but i found out they’re not bds safe ><) i spray my whole face after facial wash to keep moisture on my face.

mixsoon bifida toner pads – i use one half of the pad 30 secs on each cheek then wipe down my whole face.

Melano cc vit c serum – i dot my cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead with a drop of the serum (a tiny droplet not the usual dropper kind) and spread.

Carecera ap emulsion moisturizer – I moisturize my face and let it sink in for 1-2 minutes before i apply sunblock.

Sunbears sunblock – i apply this twice to make sure i get the recommended amount cuz the formula is really runny so i can’t do the usual two finger method ><

Night routine:
Hado labo cleansing oil – i do 1 pump for daily makeup and 2 pumps if i have heavier makeup on.

Oxecure facial wash – for double cleansing.

Cezanne high moist – to lock in moisture.

Mediheal Phyto enzyme exfoliating pads – I use this every MWFSun. I use it similarly with my bifida pad (use one pad and let it sit for 30 secs on each cheek then flip to the rough side and swipe my face). I let it fully absorb after, if i’m a little red i’ll spray some of the cezanne again, if not i’ll continue with my next step

Skinoren azelaic acid – i only use this every MWFSun and apply a peasize amount nothing more too avoid irritation.

Iope milk – i apply this cuz my skin needs extra moisture and layer it before moisturizer so i don’t have to do a thick layer.

Illiyoon moisturizer – this is what i use to seal the moisture as a last step. This is almost on it’s last leg tho so i’ll be using the carecera one for the mean time once it finishes since it’s price went up 😭.

I try to keep my skincare as simple as possible cuz i found that there are a lot of ingredients that my skin doesn’t like [i.e tea tree, aloe vera, hyalauronic acid in high concentrations (hated the hado labo lotions), niacinamide (i used to love this but i now get irritated if it’s in high dosages)] so I really read the ingredients list and make sure the products are good for me. I also research a lot!! Before i buy something I go through so many reviews and posts to make sure I’m gonna like it cuz nothing hurts more than spending on something you regret aND ruined your skin. Also the products I use are very affordable most of them are less than $10 and if they’re $10+ they are worth it (mixsoon toner pads technically have 240 pads for $20 which is $0.08 per pad unlike mediheal which has 100 pads for $18 making it $0.15 per pad (i like this toner pad too tho)).

I’ve also used items throughout the years i didn’t like, did nothing for me, and even ruined my skin (reviews also in pic) i also have some faves that are out of my rotation cuz even if i see a product i wanna try i won’t buy it till the one i currently have is running out. So these products on this post are a fruit of years of extensive trial and error that makes me finally feel confident in my skin (i still have a few break skin acne scars tho but that’s cuz i didn’t listen to my dad and picked on my pimples 😭). Also a tip, i try to refill my skincare/try new skincare when there’s a big sale (half year or end of the year) since most of my skincare lasts me 6 months 🤩

I’m still looking for a replacement for my iope milk and a serum (moisturizing & texture) i’d love to know your recommendations!!

this is cross posted on @/beautytalkph

by haeitsrin

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