I paid 87 plus a 15 dollar tip… Are these horrible, or what?… They're cute but, for 100??…

by Rowen_Tree_1967


  1. Organic_Love5317 on

    I personally wouldn’t have paid that much for those. The shapes are different on all nails, doesn’t like the cuticles got done.

  2. -lavender-lemonade- on

    they look like they’re going to lift the second you wash your hair or the dishes, but cute design!

  3. I’d go back and ask for someone else to fix them, explain you were just here and paid, but when you got a chance to look at them you’re really worried about getting a fungus from the nails already lifting. Also show them the undersides and tell them they’re way too thick to use. Ask if they’ll redo them.

  4. Pink-Cupcake11 on

    Ya I’d deff see if you can go back. The design is cute tho! Execution isn’t there.

  5. Sheeeeeeesh-247 on

    they’re cute and if they were done correctly I think worth the money! But they didn’t take care of your cuticles and underneath the nail is a mess :/. Ugh i’m sorry, I feel like leaving the nail salon and not loving your nails is suuuuch an annoying feeling.

  6. Beautiful-Ratio999 on

    Cute design and shape but their attention to detail is poor 🙁 I’m sorry I wish they had pampered you a bit and cleaned up your cuticles! Definitely find another nail tech. There are private nail techs out there who don’t charge an arm and a leg and do a phenomenal job!

  7. 102 is crazy but I get what u mean I also have severe anxiety and would’ve just paid and left😭

  8. definitely not worth the money, the nails are a lovely design but the execution is not worth it

  9. Alternative-Still956 on

    First time I got gel x tips done, the person put gel on my fingertips and I didn’t know any better. They cured it and everything. I tipped them as well because idk. But I never went back and now knowing the allergies etc, I doubt I ever will

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