I have a lot of anxiety and I’ve been struggling with it a lot lately. My therapist says I need to start using my hobbies to help with emotional regulation. The idea is that, by doing something you like (like repotting a plant) in response to something you don’t like (that critical coworker who makes you feel small), your emotions will be better regulated afterwards.

I am thinking of doing emotio-nails. Like, I’ll start the week with a plain solid color, and when I feel a strong emotion, I add some art. Maybe when I’m feeling overstimulated, I can add a glitter. When I’m feeling perfectionistic, I could do a French tip? By the end of the week, my nails will be a beautiful mishmash of my emotions, good, bad, and everything in between.

Y’all are the experts! What kind of nail art should I assign to each emotion? Joy, fear, defiance, shame, overwhelm?

by giesentine

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