Now, if I had 💰 for every time I said “NOWWW THISSSSS!! ☝🏼This ONE is now my all time favorite!!”…I’d be rich!!! 🤪 But I think I may have to collect my 💵 and retire the expression because…NOWWWW THISSSS!!! ☝🏼THIS ONE is law my all time favorite!!! Is it absolutely SICK & RIDICULOUS!!!

Lacquer: Sassy Sauce Cock-a-doodle-doom (3 coats)

Top: Holo Taco Glossy Taco

Nails: Una Gella nail tips, extra short, Almond

by AppointmentMental175

1 Comment

  1. Lmao yes I can relate about the favorites thing. I love this color every time I see it on here. Planning on getting it during Black Friday sales.

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