Because i have actual work to do, instead i decided to compare the bottles from LLP to MC (same brand, different time).

i see some variation in the square LLP bottles, but nothing like the current ones for MC. if anyone's interested, i photographed all 30 bottles i own, &can add those later.

then bc i was curious, did a few cursory comparisons holding 2-3 bottles next to each other. i didn't observe any wild differences between bottles within other brands i own.

that said, i own a handful of shades (3-10) from the other brands (Holo Taco, CirqueColors, Femme Fatale, Cupcake Polish, Emily De Molly, a few others), so the sample size isn't equitable (except HT lolol)

q: why did i do this?

a: like many of us, after seeing one post where someone's bottle shattered when opening it for regular use, i started paying more attention when using my MC shades

tried real hard to capture it in the pics, but i noticed "blame my star sign” felt weird at the edge, just e v e r so slightly off. initially i just looked at it next to a few bottles. not crazy different, but noticable.

then for funsies, i lined all my MC shades up and noticed a lack of consistency in…pretty much everything with those bottles.

q:will i do anything about this?

a: the thought of packing and shipping the shades makes me sad, so it's decanting time! i lucked out with 2 empty bottles of HT that perfectly fit the MC amount.

taking suggestions for empty bottles i could order (there's only so much glossy taco one can go through to create space for the MC polish 😂)

by theCommieHurricane


  1. The bottles mostly look fine even with the variability of the air bubbles inside. But that bright red one is looking pretty thin on top.

  2. step_on_legoes_Spez on

    I bought my bottles from tkb traders! a lot cheaper than buying replacement bottles from brands.

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