But, I kind of love it. What do you all think? It's a neon green with an iridescent mica powder over it.

by LollieGee


  1. disabledmurderino on

    Are they his hands….?
    Nope didn’t think so!
    Love the bold color!! I personally got hot pink on mine myself

  2. Thanks! I won’t change them for him, but I just wanted to get another opinion. I wish I could have gotten a better picture. They have a slightly metallic look and if you get just the right light, there’s a slight purple hue from the mica powder.

  3. Subject-Zone5067 on

    They’re awesome! Unless he’s paying and wearing them…. He can zip it!

  4. SockSock81219 on

    “My husband doesn’t like this color”

    Well then he should pick a different color for his nails.

    I know green is a very hard color to wear, especially a bright lime green, but you are ROCKING it. They make your hands look so golden tan! Great choice and great work.

  5. Peace_and_Love_2024 on

    Then he should pick another color for when he gets his manicure? Idk why he’s giving you input bestie

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