Review: Epielle Foot Peeling Mask

by RadiantEast

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  1. Product: Epielle Foot Peeling Mask
    Purchased: Local TJ Maxx

    **Review: The Great Foot Transformation**

    I’ve always prided myself on having feet that aren’t quite as rough as the rest of my family’s—think less sandpaper, more standard-issue human. But then I went on a beach vacation in a dry-as-dust climate, and my feet decided to take a turn for the worse. We’re talking calluses so thick and discolored, I wondered if I’d wandered into hobbit territory.

    I tried everything: scrubbing in the shower, two separate pedicures (and yes, I begged them to break out the cheese grater). Nothing worked. My heels were holding on to those calluses like their life depended on it.

    So, I decided it was time to break out the big guns—a foot peel mask. I’d never used one before, but desperate times, right? I followed the instructions to the letter: cleaned my feet, wore the mask for 30-45 minutes, and waited.

    For the first few days, nothing happened. My feet looked just as awful as they did before. I was almost ready to write it off as a waste of time, but then—around day 4—the magic started. The peeling began in earnest, starting with the soles and toes, and then moving up to the tops of my feet. By this point, I was anxiously wondering if it would ever reach my heels.

    Day 6-7: The moment of truth. My heels, those stubborn, callus-laden boulders, finally started to shed. Underneath, I could see smooth skin emerging, and I knew victory was in sight.

    Now, at the end of day 7, I’m still peeling a bit, but I can tell the last of it will fall off in the next day or two. My feet are soft, smooth, and dare I say, almost reborn.

    And no, there are no before and after pics—my bare feet aren’t making any public appearances. You’ll just have to trust me on this one: this foot peel mask did the job. My feet have officially made a comeback.

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