It's now been 3 weeks since Clionadh launched re-mastered versions of their Paleo & Archeo palettes in a new formula, along with their new release Oceano. All of these palettes are very expensive (around $100 CAD) and I would call this a very significant indie release. Due to the price tag, it's certainly something I would want to see some reviews for before purchase, especially as the OG Paleo & Archeo were criticized a bit for the matte formula (which ultimately convinced me not to buy). Clionadh is a darling in the indie community and for palettes like this I would expect a decent amount of coverage. Yet to date, only 2 bigger indie gurus have made dedicated videos (first impressions)- Milly at badtothebrow and Karen Harris. Karen literally did one neutral look. Heather Austin covered them in passing in a haul video, showing a couple first-impression looks. Of these gurus, I only really trust Milly as I find Karen and Heather fawn over everything. Over on the smaller end of Youtube, Colourful Indian did the Lord's work and actually posted a video using every shade in every palette. This is the kind of reviewing work I would historically expect from larger gurus with more established Youtube careers. I see a couple days ago, another very small channel called FlyafterFifty shared a couple looks with the Archeo palette. And that's everything so far, after 3 weeks.

Angelica mentioned in a recent video that she had received the palettes, but since she had been away it was "too late" to do a dedicated a video but that she might do a Short with them or something. I commented and begged her to do a video, since almost no one else has it's certainly not too late. No response from her.

My question is, what gives? What is going on? A few years ago I would at least expect a decent handful of channels to share a dedicated video on a big release like this. Youtubers are always saying the review is dead now. Yet when Adept or Oden's Eye drop a new palette, everyone is putting out that dedicated video. At this point I'm kind of pissed; I feel like BG's are not doing their job to help us decide what is worth our hard-earned money. Does Clionadh not offer a good commission like Oden's Eye so they can't be bothered? Or is all this silence a sign that the creators all hated the formula but don't want to say anything about it? Or is it just this constant stream of new releases which the creators prioritize, so they don't have time to try out 3 new palettes from the same brand? Whatever the reason, I hate it.

As a side note, did anyone buy the palettes and want to share their thoughts? Anything you don't like? Dying for some honest reviews here.

by Mean-Advisor6652


  1. Opposite_Style454 on

    It’s too expensive for 12 shades, mostly mattes and Clionah mattes are NOTHING to write home about. Plus Youtubers only do videos for views now and any release that’s over a week old won’t get the clicks. They’re all about Ensley Reign now (said with sarcasm)

  2. Wooden_Economics6154 on

    It is a bit surprising for sure….I actually bought all three palettes but haven’t used them yet. I did swatch some of the shimmers and they are truly spectacular. But I haven’t tried any of the mattes yet.

  3. I currently am not buying much makeup and didn’t have the budget to buy one of their palettes. I thought about it because they are gorgeous, but I just don’t have the spare money to spend on it right now when I have so much already. They look nice but I can’t speak to their formula or anything.

  4. Genuinelullabel on

    If Clinodah isn’t sending things to YouTubers, their products probably won’t be talked about so much since the price point is quite high.

  5. queasycockles on

    I’m wondering if not that many people were sent the palettes in PR and no one wants to drop the full amount themselves.

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