Has anyone else with dry skin been let down by the BOJ sunscreen?

I’m gonna start off by saying I’ve tried several other Korean sunscreens, and have obviously heard over and over again how amazing this sunscreen is especially for dry skin (I’ve heard it isn’t specifically for dry skin but that have heard from people with dry skin that this works well with their skin).

I like to try new sunscreens almost every time I’m done with whichever one I’m working through to see if I’ll find more I like even though I have a few already I would consider HGs lol.

But anyway, I decided to finally try it out and was surprisingly underwhelmed. While I enjoyed how thin it came out of the bottle, I noticed after a few minutes my face looked slightly matte and felt a little drier than before putting it on and accentuated my dry spots by kind of drying them out a little more? I honestly didn’t think that was possible but I’ve never tried a sunscreen that did this.
Yes, it is legit BOJ. I also would like to add that I didn’t hate this sunscreen by any means, but was surprised that it has been the least moisturizing/hydrating out of any sunscreen I’ve tried and has been the only one to leave my face looking semi-matte.

I think after trying as many as I have tried, I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing can beat my favorite which is the k-secret Seoul 1988 sunscreen, at least for now. It is the most hydrating/moisturizing and lightweight formula I’ve ever tried. I wasn’t sure what the point of posting this was but I think I was just interested in seeing if I was the only one since I’ve never heard anything other than positive reviews 🤔

by justagorl444

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