HELP because it was my PPU pickup from Chamaeleon nails 😭😭😔 the package was damaged and I could smell the polish in the mailbox. The whole top shattered somehow (caught in sorting? Idk 😶) but now I'm concerned about the little mermaid polish I rewinded doing the same thing later.

We're about to run by Sallys to even see if they have empty containers. I don't have any spare on hand and bagged it so it won't dry but I might just break in my depression if I lose this polish 😔

by favolecrystalis

1 Comment

  1. Contact PPU or the USPS customer service! While I’m sure there’s sometimes issues with packaging (re: Mooncat’s bottles being proven to be unstable), sometimes this just comes down to “glass items being shipped en masse through the mail). In the past PPU’s customer service has been great, and even USPS can sometimes refund broken items. Hope you get a good solution!

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