So all my life, I’ve never had any bad breakouts or acne, but I wanted to try taking care of my skin even more by trying “skin care”, I do not know anything aside from what youtube talks about, which is you need a cleanser, exfoliant, toner, moisturizer etc etc. So I gave it a try, and it’s been a month and boy am I scared shitless, my skin actually got so much worse and its scaring me. People say it’s normal cuz it’s what they call “purging”, but this is crazy, its almost a month and a half and it’s just getting worse.

Idk what to do and its really making me insecure. Would really like to reach out and ask if I’m doing anything wrong or if anyone can educate me on things.

Do I need to see a Dermatologist? Or stick with it first. I’m honestly just frustrated

Thank you!

by jefbeentrill


  1. Practical_Pen_5199 on

    my derma only put me on a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen actually. if u had no prior breakouts before, then i suggest getting the cosrx salicylic acid and the innisfree toner out of your routine as they might be too harsh on your skin. you might’ve broken your skin barrier when you introduced these acids, switch to a gentler cleanser and make sure to moisturize. sometimes less is more with skincare. if your skin doesn’t calm down by then, i would suggest going to a derma in the hospitals (avoid the clinic commercial ones in malls.)

  2. How long ago did you start your routine with all of those products? Did you slowly introduce each new product or did you just jump right in with all of them? Your skin is probably breaking out from all of the actives and new ingredients — salicylic acid, PHA, ferments, birch sap — all of which could be irritating to skin and especially if you’re using all at once. Go back to basics (gentle cleanser, gentle moisturizer, SPF) and then slowly reintroduce each product and see how your skin reacts over the course of several days to a week.

    I also don’t see a moisturizer in your routine. You may want to add a moisturizer to your routine to repair your skin barrier.

  3. lemooontrees on

    Salicylic acid is very drying so I suspect it’s that. When your skin is super dry, it tries to make up for it by producing more oil, and this increased oil production may lead to acne.

    I agree with the other user here, all you need is a good cleanser + moisturizer + sunscreen during the day. At night instead of sunscreen perhaps you can use an acne treatment. My derm prescribed me adapelene gel.

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