ORLY Bonder, Cock-a-doodle-doom by Sassy Sauce, Seche Vite

by trans_catdad


  1. AutoModerator on

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  2. Yoongi_SB_Shop on

    Did you buy it directly from the brand? If yes, feel free to contact them but different polishes look different on different people.

    If you bought it resale, no. A reseller can’t give you a new bottle and they’re not responsible for you not liking how it looks on you.

  3. trans_catdad on

    Base Coat – ORLY Bonder
    Color – Cock-a-doodle-doom
    Topcoat – Seche Vite

  4. Single-Gur-3062 on

    Undertones really play a part with these types of polishes. Mine looks like this, and I got it when it very first came out.
    Sometimes, not everything is going to look the exact same on us like it does on everyone else.

  5. daydreamerrme on

    For what it’s worth, I think it looks great on you! Love that color.

  6. manyleggies on

    Looks like mine that I ordered last month! It’s very red in the bottle, I was surprised. 

  7. I’ve noticed the same with my bottle, and I bought it directly from Sassy Sauce. I’ve found that my nail length impacts the shimmer shift a ton. The shorter my nails, the redder it looks. If my nails have some length, then more purple shows up (in sunlight). It’s weird, but I still love it regardless. It looks gorgeous on you!!

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