I’m so proud of myself for finishing this cream bronzer stick as I’ve owned this product since October 2022. This is the So Soft Bronzer in the shade Terra by Em Cosmetics.

I’m happy to announce this is my first ever true pan on any cream product. I currently have three other cream products I have an active pan on so hopefully there’ll be future posts on those products before the end of the year.

I’ve used this bronzer on and off since purchasing it but since mid January I’ve used it consistently and started to keep a usage tracker.

Total times I’ve used it since mid January 2024: 157 usages!

(Last pic #12 is what it looked like when I started my tracker)

  • lil background on what led me to start project panning-
    I started a mini project pan for myself at the beginning of this year (roughly mid-late January) because I was feeling extremely overwhelmed with life/family issues. I hadn’t realized I kept chasing instant gratification in an attempt to feel happy for years. In reality my skin & scalp was in awful condition due to an imbalance of hormones. I was an emotional mess dealing with ptsd, grief, and guilt regarding family relationships and my soul dog passing. Starting a mini project pan felt like a “safe” place to start regaining control. I’m proud of the steps I’ve taken to feel like myself again. I’ve really cut down my makeup collection to what I genuinely enjoy using. I don’t compulsive shop nearly as much as I did before. I’ve started to go to therapy along with seeing a dermatologist for my skin. I’ve also started to use mood stabilizers again which has helped tremendously. Ive also learned to establish boundaries with family members and have kept NC boundaries with my mom. I’m in a peaceful mind space compared to before.

Sorry for going on and on at the end. Thank you for taking the time to read this far if you did. I really appreciate it.

by kittycatkylala77

1 Comment

  1. Key-Tadpole210 on

    Thank you for sharing. I, too, find project pan to be my own little world where I am in total control. Keep owning your life and keep on panning.

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